woensdag 7 augustus 2019

Building wit Bamboo, 2. uses of Bamboo

Building with Bamboo, Anja Henseler 1997
2. uses of Bamboo
Bamboo is used for very many things.
In Europe the use of bamboo is very small compared to the Far East. "What would a poor Chinese do without bamboo?
It gives him food, he uses it to build his house in which he lives and his bed where he sleeps in, the cup he drinks from and the spoon with which he eats.
He uses bamboo piping to water his fields.
His boat has a bamboo mast and his cart is also made of bamboo. They hit him with a bamboo stick, torture him with a pointed bamboo stick and even the rope with which they hang him is also made of bamboo." (1)
In 1, there is a list of numerous things which can be made of bamboo.
In the following paragraph I will illustrate some important qualities of bamboo which makes it so useful as a building material.
(1) Colonel Barrington de Fonblanque, according to the magazin of "La bambuseraie" (a bamboo garden in France)

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